The helpdesk interface for reps to engage with livechats and tickets.
Requires various permissions to view, manage, or transfer livechats and tickets at the individual or team levels.
The Inbox is Proto AICX's helpdesk, allowing live reps to interact with people through livechats and tickets—together referred to as conversations.
Open Conversations
In the Inbox dashboard, the left-side Inbox panel lists all conversations. These can be selected to open their message threads and details.
See Find & View Conversations for searching, sorting, filtering, and split-screen conversations.
Send messages to a person in an open conversation using the message editor.
In a livechat, messages are sent as a text or text-to-speech (voice note) reply in the person's messaging app, like WhatsApp, Messenger, or a Webchat popup on a website.
In a ticket, messages are sent as an email into an ongoing email thread.
The message editor is also used to:
Enhance or translate messages with AI.
Embed attachments, emojis, and dynamic data.
Write internal notes about the conversation.
Transfer the conversation to another rep, team, or back to an AI assistant.
Conversation Details
An opened conversation's details are visible in right-side panel tabs. If multiple conversations are opened in split-screen mode, each panel contains its own tabs. The tabs are:
See Manage a Livechat and Manage a Ticket for details.
See Manage a Person for details.
The Custom tab only appears if there's a custom profile iFrame configured.
Last updated