On-Premise & Hybrid Hosting
An alternative to default cloud hosting, bespoke on-premise or hybrid hosting gives you location control over data residency.
On-premise or hybrid hosting are available with the Enterprise Max add-on.
Hosting Options
Get in touch with your Proto account representative to discuss which hosting solution is right for you, and its manual deployment procedure.
On-premise means all database content (e.g. AI configurations, conversations, and profiles of registered people), bucket content (files & attachments), and the Proto AICX platform (web app) are all hosted independently by you.
Hybrid Hosting means all database and bucket content is hosting independently by you, but hosting and provision of the Proto AICX platform (web app) is maintained by us.
System requirements
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Web Server: Nginx 1.14.0 or later
Docker: 24.0.0 or later
Docker Compose: 2.23.0 or later
AWS CLI: 2.13.30 or later
Python: 3.10 or later
Memory: 32GB RAM minimum
Disk Space: 20GB required for safe installation. An additional 500 GB for database storage is recommended.
Allowed traffic through port 80/443
External Services
SendGrid API key
OpenAI or Azure OpenAI API key
Chat-GPT data privacy
If you have AI assistant with a Chat-GPT LLM enabled, it's recommended to use Azure's OpenAI service instead of OpenAI directly. The benefits of Azure’s OpenAI service include:
Faster response times
99.9% uptime SLA
Stronger data privacy
From Microsoft's legal resource for data, privacy, and security for Azure OpenAI Service:
Your prompts (inputs) and completions (outputs), your embeddings, and your training data:
are NOT available to other customers.
are NOT available to OpenAI.
are NOT used to improve OpenAI models.
are NOT used to improve any Microsoft or 3rd party products or services.
are NOT used for automatically improving Azure OpenAI models for your use in your resource (The models are stateless, unless you explicitly fine-tune models with your training data).
Your fine-tuned Azure OpenAI models are available exclusively for your use.
The Azure OpenAI Service is fully controlled by Microsoft; Microsoft hosts the OpenAI models in Microsoft’s Azure environment and the Service does NOT interact with any services operated by OpenAI (e.g. ChatGPT, or the OpenAI API).
These installation steps are specific to on-premise hosting and are for reference only. Proto personnel will provide direct guidance on your host migration process.
There are three components that must be served by your local server:
The backend platform
The Proto AICX platform (web app)
The webchat library
These three components can be served directly from Nginx. As components (2) and (3) are pre-built, they only need to be served as static files from Nginx without any configuration.
You will be provided with the following files to scaffold the on-premise deployment:
A Python file: proto_scaffold.py
A JSON file: proto_credentials.json
To scaffold:
Place both files in your desired installation directory.
Run python
proto_scaffold.py init
The command will not start Proto. It will create a folder with the relevant service configuration TOML files, authenticate your instance with our private docker container repository, and add a docker-compose.yml.
In the newly created directory, you'll find a subdirectory named backend/config/. This contains all the configurable parameters for the backend platform. While many parameters might not require adjustments, the following are mandatory:
Nginx example
The backend platform will run its services on port 8080 of the containers. Each service should be prefixed with api/. The web app and the webchat library will be served from / and /webchat, respectively.
Managing platform state
Start the platform: in backend/ run
docker compose up -d
Stop the platform: in backend/ run
docker compose down
Update the platform from remote:
python proto_scaffold.py update
Directly connect to database:
psql -U postgres -d platform
Last updated