Developer API
Connect to Proto AICX directly through an easy API.
API account access is available with the Total plan and above.
Find the full developer API schema here:
Authentication API
Each request to the developer API must include a bearer token in the Authorization header. This bearer token should be in the form of Authorization: Bearer {subcompany_takeover_secret}. This takeover secret can be found in the sub-company settings page.

Conversations API
One of customer_id, external_customer_id, gateway_profile_id, or provided_unique_id must be provided to identify the customer.
Customers API
Note that "customer" is a legacy term for an audience member, now referred to more generically as "people" or "persons" in the current platform and documentation.
subcompany_id from Proto
user's provided_unique_id
Use create_if_not_exists to also create any tags that do not exist before applying it to the customer.
One of id or name must be provided for each custom field element in the request body. The id of a custom field can be retrieved from listing or creating a new custom field.
Custom Fields API
select_options must be provided only if type is select.
Last updated