
Create unique identifiers for quick filtering of saved content.

The number of assignable tags and groups per livechat, ticket, or person depends on the subscription plan.

Requires the Manage/View tags and tag groups user permissions to edit or view.

Tags are unique identifiers, displayed as text pills, that can be assigned to any person, conversation, or ticket. Tag groups are collections of tags used for quick assignment of common tag combinations.


To manage the tags, go to the settings panel and select Tags.


Create or Edit a Tag

  1. In the Tags tab, select an existing tag from the table, or make a new one with Create Tag.

  2. Edit its options in the opened panel:

    • Colour — the text color of the pill. A lighter shade is used for the pill background.

    • Name — the tag's text.

    • Tag Groups — any groups the tag is assigned to.

  3. Select Create or Save.

Delete a Tag

  1. In the Tags table, select one or more tag checkboxes.

  2. Select Delete Tag and confirm.


Create or Edit a Tag Group

  1. In the Groups tab, select an existing group from the table, or make a new one with Create Tag Group.

  2. Edit its options in the opened panel:

    • Colour — the text color of the group. A lighter shade is used for the pill background.

    • Name — the group's title.

    • Tags — any tags assigned to the group.

  3. Select Create or Save.

Delete a Group

  1. In the Group table, select one or more group checkboxes.

  2. Select Delete Tag Group and confirm.

Mandatory Tagging

Both the Tags and Tag Groups tabs display a common menu for enabling mandatory tagging of livechats and tickets. The options are:

  • Mandatory Tagging — toggles whether or not to apply these rules.

  • Minimum tags — sets the number of tags that must be assigned to resolve a livechat or ticket, which can be 0 or greater.

  • Sort tags byA to Z or Z to A sets alphabetical sorting in all livechat and ticket tag lists.

Press Save to confirm any edits.

Apply Tags and Groups

Tags and tag groups can be applied to livechats, tickets, and people.

  1. Select a person or conversation in the Inbox, Livechat, Tickets, or People dashboards.

  2. In the opened options panel, scroll down to the Tags accordion.

The number inside a group's pill indicates how many tags it has assigned in the background (tag pills only display if directly selected).

A tag will remain assigned to a livechat, ticket, or person until its own pill and/or all associated groups are removed.

Remove Tags and Groups

  1. Select the person or conversation in the Inbox, Livechat, Tickets, or People dashboards.

  2. In the opened options panel, scroll down to the Tags accordion.

  3. Remove a tag by selecting its pill, or a group by selecting its trash icon, and confirm deletion.

Filter with Tags and Groups

Livechat, Tickets, and People

  1. Go to the Livechat, Tickets, or People dashboards.

  2. Select the Tags filter in the header, and select tags to filter by.

Inbox Views

See Inbox Views & Layouts to learn how to make tags a condition of a saved filter view.

Last updated