Create Ticket
Generate an issue-tracking case for an audience member.
See Tickets for details on how they work.
The Create Ticket action generates a ticket for the person in the chat and can send a first email.
Select a Create Ticket action from the tree to open its settings:
Auto-apply tags — the tags and groups assigned to the ticket.
Assignee — the live rep the ticket will be initially assigned to.
Email sender — an email sender, configured in Email Domains.
Subject — the new email thread's subject line. Accepts chat variables.
Description — the ticket's internal description.
Full name — the name of the recipient. Accepts chat variables.
Email — the valid email address of the recipient. Accepts chat variables.
Phone number — the phone number of the recipient. Accepts chat variables.
Email template — optionally send initial email content from a template:
Will be sent to the person — select which template is sent to the person.
Will be sent to the assignee — select which template is sent to the assignee.
Custom fields — any custom fields for tickets can be added and their values filled in.
Press Save to confirm edits.
Last updated