Manage your organisation's top-level workspace in Proto.
A company is the highest organisational level in Proto, typically the workspace for a corporate or government entity.
All user accounts are connected to at least one company, and can be invited to multiple.
Subscription plans, add-ons, and billing details apply to the company level.
Requires various permissions to view and edit the respective company settings.
In the settings panel under the "Company" group, settings of the currently-viewed company can be accessed:
General — for basic options:
Avatar — the optional company avatar seen by its user.
Name — the company name seen by its users.
Sub-Companies — for creating and managing sub-companies.
Plan & Billing — for managing the company's subscription plan and billing.
Roles & Permissions — for creating and managing user roles & permissions.
Users — for inviting and managing users in the company.
Teams — for creating and managing teams of live representatives.
Switch Companies
If your user account's email address is a associated with more than one company, you can switch between them:
In the toolbar, select your avatar > Change Company
Select the desired company
Last updated