Facebook Messenger
Deploy an AI assistant to Facebook Messenger.
Requires a Facebook account with admin access to a Facebook Business Page.
Publishing an AI assistant to Facebook Messenger allows your audience to interact with the assistant—and subsequently with live reps—in a Messenger thread.
In the assistant's Publish tab, create a Messenger channel or select an existing one from the table to open its settings.
Basic Settings
In the Basics accordion, the following options are available:
Name — the internal name of the channel, used to distinguish from any other Messenger channels the assistant is published to.
Default chat language — the language used by the AI assistant at the start of a new chat. Available languages are set in the assistant's General settings.
Icon — the channel's avatar seen by live reps in the Inbox dashboard.
Press Save to confirm edits.
Connecting to Facebook
In the Connected Page accordion, select Login with Facebook.
In the Facebook interface, proceed through their confirmation steps.
Select the Business Page you want to connect.
If the page cannot be found, your Facebook account may not have full control of the Facebook Page. Learn how to gain full control of the Page.
Last updated